The Pond - Tjörnin

Tjörnin – The Pond – is located in the city center of Reykjavik. It is an iconic and beautiful site in the center of the Icelandic capital. It is a prominent small lake where you can see various bird species all year round. Ducks, swans, geese and seagulls plus various other birds in the summer.

It can be said that a bridge divides the pond into two parts. The smaller part has a fountain and a lovely green area with trees and a playground. The larger part is closer to the city center where you find sites like City hall and a feeding area for the birds.


The surrounding area

It is ideal to take a walk around the Pond. You can have a seat next to one of Iceland´s most famous poets, Tómas Guðmundsson, and even enjoy listening to a few of his poets.   City Hall can be one of your stops and also a playground where you find a nice area to sit down while the kids play.

You can visit the feeding area for the birds, they always appreciate a few pieces of bread. Please note that in spring/early summer people are kindly asked not to feed the birds as it increases the risk of attracting seagulls to the area.  So please help us protect the the birds´ eggs/ducklings during that time of year. In winter, however, when it is cold and the Pond freezes, you are most welcome to feed the birds as much bread as you like.

Tómas Guðmundsson, the poet

Winter time

In winter when the temperature drops below zero (°C) the Pond often freezes and becomes a popular site for skating.  You can walk on the ice and even out to a small island in the middle of the pond but please check and make sure the ice is thick enough before heading out as it is no joke if it cracks and you fall into the cold water!   There is always a small area of the Pond that doesn´t freeze and that is the feeding area for the birds.  So please always use the feeding area to approach the birds, not approach them when you are walking on the ice.

Swans, ducks and geese are the most common birds

What else

In part of the Pond area that is further away from the city center, like mentioned earlier, you find a large area where it is nice to enjoy the sun in summer and snow in winter.   There you will also find a public playground for children of all ages and everyone is welcome to come and play there.   In summer this area is sometimes used for outdoor concerts and festivities.

After a nice walk around the Pond, it is ideal to visit City Hall and check out what they have to offer.   Often they have exhibitions that might be interesting to check out.

City Hall